Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Make Your Own Chicken Coop Using Cheap Or Free Materials

Many people in this Do-It-Yourself age know that you can make your own chicken coop for practically nothing. In fact, all that junk sitting in your backyard could probably make up half a coop! There are also many way to score heavily discounted lumber from your local timber yard. This article gives you some tips, and helps you get started on a homemade chicken coop.

Finding The Best Chicken Coop Plans

Before you start searching for free building materials to make your own chicken coop, you should really figure out which plans you're going to follow. It's generally not advisable to make things up as you go, since one mistake can mean that your coop will be unusable.

You can download most kinds of chicken coop plans from the internet. Some of these designs include:

- The fully blown chicken barn. This one is for the really serious people. If you want to keep a large number of birds, have a homemade egg collector, and have a big chicken run attached, this one is for you. You'll also score some big discounts from your local lumber yard because you'll be buying timber in bulk.

- The small a-frame chicken coop. This one is portable, and great if you want to keep just a few chickens for egg production. Sure, you'll probably have to get your hands a bit dirty when collecting eggs, but it's by far the easiest, quickest type of chicken coop to build.

- The chicken ark. This design has recently become extremely popular. It's small enough to be portable, and not to take up too much room. However, it's still quite large, as it utilizes multiple storeys to house your flock. There is also a separate nesting area.

Of course, there are also many other designs. Internet-based plans will normally come in packages, rather than being sold separately. You definitely get a lot of bang for your buck.

Obtaining Free And Cheap Construction Materials

Even if you don't have any scrap wood or metal lying around in your own backyard, that isn't to say that your neighbor hasn't. Ask people on your street if they've got any junk that needs to be disposed of. Some of the less friendly neighbors might ask for money, but most of the time they'll give it to you for free. Hey, you're doing them a favor!

As for discounted lumber from a lumber yard, this one is a lot more straight forward. As soon as you walk in, ask the salesman about bulk discounts. He'll most likely inflate the amount, so tell him straight up that you want a discount for the amount your buying (have the amounts pre-prepared, written on a piece of paper). You'll find that these guys are usually really friendly, and definitely happy to do you a favour.

If you're serious about learning to make your own chicken coop, check out this Chicken Coop Plans website now. There you'll find downloadable plans, and even more DIY tips. Good luck!

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